Tag Archives: Mexican Food

Exploring the Wellfleet Audubon Sanctuary

2 Frogs on a Log
Photo-A-Day #4028

Today we got up early and drove to Wellfleet to the Audubon Sanctuary. Along the way we picked up Aunt Cindy and Uncle Wayne to accompany us on this adventure. Many years ago I went on hiking adventures with Aunt Cindy and Uncle Wayne. We’d done part of the Appalachian Trail, some Snowshoeing and more. So, when we were thinking of some adventures on our staycation e knew that we had to catch up with them and have them along on our trip to the Audubon Sanctuary.

We went to this location last year during our vacation on the Cape. It was our Family Adventure Day at Wellfleet Audubon Sanctuary. We met up with Aunt Cindy and Uncle Wayne last year, after the adventure. But this year, they got to be a part of the adventure. We took the trail down to the beach and got to see the fiddler crabs, the tide come in and more.

Eva was very much into observing the crabs. She got very upset whenever anyone walked near them and frightened them back into their holes. There was a lot of shushing. Then the tide came in and water filled up all the holes. You can hear the bubbling sounds when you watch the video.

Andrew had a fun time digging in the sand with Uncle Wayne. They were digging trenches for the water and as the water came in for the tides the trenches would fill up. Andrew was very excited to make a “B”. He was also excited to hold a dead fiddler crab. He had no fear. Eva, not so much, she wanted nothing to do with it.

Continue reading Exploring the Wellfleet Audubon Sanctuary

Allison’s Birthday 2010

Photo-a-Day #1738

Happy Birthday Allison. Today was Allison’s birthday. We started off the morning by letting her sleep in while Eva and I played Clicktoy, had breakfast and made a nice card for momma. Supermarket, Church and then we headed over to Attleboro Farms for the North Attleboro Farmer’s Market.

Continue reading Allison’s Birthday 2010