Photo-A-Day #4447
On the day after Andrew’s Graduation I took him to the LEGO Store for his Graduation gift. He got some money from family and Allison and I got him some for a full experience at the store. That meant, building Minifigs, picking out a decent sized set, filling a Pick a Brick container (with lots of my help so he got lots of bricks). He was even sweet enough to think of his sister and we got her a special couple of things. You can see everything in the video below.
We spent about an hour and a half at the store and I filmed much of the time, little snippets and such. Afterwards I took him to Fire and Ice for lunch. He made a meatballs and hot dogs spaghetti concoction. I thought that he was going to get the hot dog as one in a bun separately but he is inconsistent on whether or not he’s going to have a bun. You never know. I had some shaved steak and chicken plus a bunch of sauces, mushrooms and some pasta. We finished off with a bacon cheeseburger that we split. It was a very tasty lunch.
We drove back to the house and I was hoping that he was tired enough that he would pass out asleep but no such luck. He stayed awake and then I had to try and convince him to go to sleep. He fought it but once he crawled in bed with me he was out in two minutes. I think he was still arguing me.
We went to karate and he was pretty good. Got into a little stand your ground moment with another kid while in his sparring gear but otherwise he did okay. I had him apologize to Mr. Jacob for his behaviour last week. We’re slowly getting it through to him that certain things are disrespectful and not at all funny. I hope he learns more quickly since he is going to start training with a Bo Staff after his next belt. A purple belt that he should earn by next Friday. I’m not sure if any of us are ready for this.
We returned home and had dinner. The kids then made their BrickHeadz sets. Andrew had Hulk and Eva, Belle. These are growing on me.