Tag Archives: Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day 2018

Mothers Day with Allison and the kids

We had a nice Mother’s Day today. Allison picked up some pork chops and I grilled them up for the family. She made roasted potatoes and also some zucchini. It was a nice meal and the kids raved about it. I was up early from sleeping for work and we gave Allison her gifts. A journal for she and Eva as well as some funny socks. Eva made her earrings and Andrew made her a bunch of cards and more. It was some very cute sentiments that made both of us tear up a bit.

The kids were also all dressed up today because they were filming a movie. Eva has had the idea that she is using iMovie to make a movie of she and Andrew. They didn’t get a chance to film today but had a nice day none the less.

Happy Mother’s Day 2017

Semi-annual eagle Brook Saloon dinner for Mothers Day
Photo-A-Day #4415

For Mother’s Day this year we are doing a repeat of Mother’s Day two years ago. Last night I was looking through my old Mother’s Day posts and two years ago we went to the Eagle Brook Saloon for dinner and I flew off to the PBS Annual Meeting on Monday. Cut to two years later and we are off to Eagle Brook Saloon once again with me scheduled to fly out tomorrow morning to the PBS annual Meeting. This time it is in San Diego.

The kids were adorable with their gifts to Allison. Eva and Andrew purchased a special bracelet that spells out mother in Morse code. the bracelet was priced at $10. Eva had $8. the woman gave it to her for $6. While Allison did not see what Eva had bought she knew about the exchange. She contacted the woman to thank her for being so kind to the kids. Allison got a response from the woman who told her that she distinctly remembered the kids and how polite and well mannered they were. Such a great thing to hear about your kids.

Eva made Allison breakfast in bed and Andrew have her a card. Both kids gave Allison cards. I gave her the gift of coffee and a hanging plant.

Dinner was nice. The whole family enjoys Buffalo Wings now. We had the best plate of them tonight, too. Eva flew through them and even Andrew wanted more than one. Eva gets this real serious face on when she wants more wings. We had a great dinner then I said goodbye to the family and headed to work. A short night tonight and then off to the airport for my flight.