Tag Archives: National Cereal Day

National Cereal Day 2018

National Cereal Day 2018
Photo-A-Day #4711

Occasionally General Mills sends me boxes of cereal and fun stuff. They sent me a bunch of fun boxes of Lucky Charms for Saint Patrick’s Day and National Cereal Day. Opinions are 100% my own.

I spent some time playing with Instagram stories today to show everyone the fun Lucky Charms cereals that were sent to me by General Mills. It was fun! In the past couple months I was sent Lucky Charms that have a special Leprechaun trap that you can make from the box. This box only has light green and dark green clover marshmallows.

I also got the brand new Lucky Charms that have the new permanent marshmallow shape. the new shape is a Unicorn and it is pretty cool.

I got the idea to make a Lucky Charms brownie. I mixed the Lucky Charms with melted marshmallow and put that on the bottom of a glass pan. I then poured brownie mix on top of it. It did not come out as I expected. The next time I do something like this I will make the brownies first and then put the Lucky Charms mixture on top. The kids and Allison humored me and tried it. Continue reading National Cereal Day 2018

National Cereal Day 2015

Photo-A-Day #3620

A couple of days ago I saw a post on Facebook that today was going to be National Cereal Day. I’ve been trying to collect all of the Skylanders Skystones sets from General Mills Cereals. I found a couple of boxes of Lucky Charms and one of Reese’s Puffs that had Skystones inside. Unfortunately none of them had the last box of Skystones that I was looking for.

I suggested to my co-workers that we do a quick Cereal Bar tonight and most everyone was pretty excited about the prospect. We ended up with almost a dozen different cereals and six gallons of milk plus lactaid. One person didn’t quite get the concept so she brought in Chex Mix and another person brought in an Angel Food Cake (?… you got me). We had a really good spread and plenty left over so that we can have cereal all the rest of the weekend. Continue reading National Cereal Day 2015