Tag Archives: Ninja

I got my #5MinuteDungeon Sets from Kickstarter Today

5 Minute Dungeon
Photo-A-Day #4367

The Kickstarter Rewards for 5-Minute Dungeon arrived today. I funded this campaign at the $60 level to receive 2 versions of this game. The only difference is the cover. There is a Kickstarter version of the cover and then the regular cover version. This was a very successful campaign and was funded fully in 6 hours. Then it went on to hit all of their stretch goals and raise $388,000 CA. Wow!

Let’s Hit Every Stretch Goal for 5-Minute Dungeon!!!!!

5-Minute Dungeon
Photo-A-Day #4225

I am such a fan of 5-Minute Dungeon. Disclosure: They sent me a pre-release version for free and I shared it with my friends, family and coworkers. Here is my original review which, thanks to the Kickstarter campaign, has reached nearly 700 views – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ4MWTBzSns.

The KickStarter can be found at http://kckstr.com/5MDnow.

The most recent Stretch Goal that was unlocked was to get The Epic Voice Guy, Jon Bailey as a voice in the Timer App – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vDJHG4MlyY and you can see his channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/jon3pnt0

I don’t know how many more stretch goals will come up, there are at least three more listed, more cards, a Baby Barbarian Figurine and even a new BOSS! I want all of them to be reached! So for Today’s vlog I made a 1 minute vlog about the kickstarter campaign that as of today has 26 more days to go.

Continue reading Let’s Hit Every Stretch Goal for 5-Minute Dungeon!!!!!