Tag Archives: Orlando

Amidst the Storms

Photo-A-Day #1564

Just looking for a little color right now. Love how this flower pops a bit from the darkness behind.

I just learned some amazing news about IZEAFest. The other day I reported that the kickoff was going to be at Busch Gardens and Howl-O-Scream. But I didn’t know that lunches would be provided during sessions and you also get a free pair of crocs, a t-shirt plus admission to ICEBAR Orlando and Howl At The Moon Orlando for major nighttime parties during IZEAFest 2009. It is going to be crazy! Not to mention all the things that you are going to learn while at the sessions with some amazing speakers. If you want to go you should buy a ticket (a huge value at $229.00) or enter to win the Ultimate IZEAFest Prize Pack.

Howl-O-Scream at Busch Gardens

Busch Gardens Tampa is really in for a treat. 300+ bloggers from IZEAFest are going to be descending upon the place on October 1st. Are you going to IZEAFest? No? Well you certainly should be because you get to go to not one but Two Awesome Theme Parks for the price of your IZEAFest ticket! Check out this announcement from Ashley at IZEA. BTW he’s the man!

But that announcement is one that is going to make tomorrow’s announcement from me all that much great! Yes, tomorrow’s announcement is going to be awesome!