Tag Archives: Parenting

Outdoor Seating

Photo-A-Day #3458

I no longer get to sleep on Fridays. Allison is working and so I have Andrew for the day until Allison and Eva return from school. So I try to wear the kid out as much as possible on Friday so I can get a few moments of downtime and peace and quiet. I love the kid so much but he is non-stop when he is awake. So, my plan is to wear him down in the morning with Play Group and while it is still nice out we can go for walks in the woods or to a playground. Today we took a walk around Oak Knoll Audobon Sanctuary.

Our walk was a decent one. We walked out to the pond which was all covered in leaves and not very pond-like. We walked along some bridges and Andrew had fun running along them as quickly as he could. He jumped on little rocks and checked things out. He generally had fun and only asked me to pick him up and carry him a couple of times. I could tell he was tired.

We stopped at one spot that had a little teepee and some seats made out of logs and branches. We stopped there on the way out and the way back to share his snack. On the second time back through I set up my camera on the set that Andrew is in and took a timer shot of us.

Captured a Little Moment with Andrew

He slept for an hour and a half but I didn’t sleep while he slept. Always one more thing to do.

Luckily when Allison came home I got an hour nap in.

Super Smile

Photo-A-Day #3311

My Sweet, Wonderful, willful little boy.

Yes, I started yesterday’s post that very same way but my whole week has started the very same way. Andrew wakes up before 5am after having woken up at some point during the middle of the night where Allison got him and rocked him back to sleep. When he wakes up near 5 or 6am I get up quickly before he can smash down the baby gate and wake up Eva. Every morning he sees me and waves his hands in front of his face and yells, “Nooo! Mommy!” Continue reading Super Smile