Tag Archives: Parenting

Building Tunnels

Photo-A-Day #3639

Andrew is growing up. He’s moving up a couple of classes in swimming and he’s moving to the next phase of play group with more structured play. Each day he is growing and changing by leaps and bounds. We played with the Hall Stars game the other day and when I rolled the balls to him he was hitting a ton of them with the hockey stick. I can’t wait for the nice weather to finally be here so that we can go to the park and play more, I’ve got to tire this kid out. He’s so high energy and just wants to explore and discover.

Thinking about Andrew getting older made me remember that I recently received a .pdf of a children’s book written by Louie Lawent. It is called Mama Don’t You Worry and you can buy it for $1.29 on Amazon.com. It is a very, very short story about a young boy who gets separated from his mother in the mall. That nearly six year old boy discovers that he may be growing up but he still needs his mom. He also remembers what he must do when he gets lost from his parents.

Sparking the Interest of a New Photographer

Photo-A-Day #3500

Throughout the week I am photographing with many cameras for the Imagelogger program. Right now I’m shooting at least 5 photos a week with three different cameras (NX3000, NXMini & NX30). Sometimes the week gets away from me a bit and I don’t get the best chance to get out and shoot. Today I took Andrew and all three cameras for a walk around the Audubon trail at La Salette. I was primarily shooting with the NX30. Andrew was interested in taking pictures today so I let him use my NX3000. He was so excited to walk around taking photos.

Eva was about 2 1/2 when I first let her use a camera. She was so excited about it. Andrew was also excited about getting his hands on a camera. We walked around the trail and he was shooting all sorts of things. Most of the photos are out of focus because he was taking photos while walking. Continue reading Sparking the Interest of a New Photographer