Tag Archives: PayPerPost

RockStartup Christmas Special

The folks over at PayPerPost have put up a year in review recap and Holiday special on RockStartup. This shows their Christmas parties (think bad karaoke and many shots) as well as giving back to the community by donating toys to SadieHolmes.org. Watch it for yourself.


This was not a paid post. I just liked what PayPerPost has done and I am at my PayPal limit for this month.

Also if you live in Orlando or you are visiting Orlando like my cousins are then you may see the PayPerPost crew and the BBM in the www.OrlandoCitrusParade.com in downtown Orlando.

Rockstartup Puzzle Pieces Assembled.

The puzzle has been completed, not by me because I stopped to go to a Christmas Party and well I am not going to win this sort of thing but I love to play. Looks like Colleen may be the winner. Julie also completed the puzzle and so did Cass and Donna. Well not quite. But here are 30 of the 30 pieces. I did not win. I had to go to a holiday party. Yes I am taking advantage of the rockstartup puzzle piece frenzy. If you right click on the image it will save as the appropriate size. The images were not changed just reduced by code of width and height.

The completed image.