I’ve had some requests for a 2009 Photo-A-Day Calendar and I would like to do one. You may recall that I created a 2008 Photo-A-Day Calendar and gave the proceeds to a friend whose husband is battling cancer. This year the charity I will be raising money for is the Relay For Life. Allison is a team leader for our local church and I’ll be walking that weekend in June with her. Continue reading Pick BenSpark’s 12 Photo-A-Day 2009 Calendar Photos and Win!
Tag Archives: Photo-A-Day 2008 Calendar
Photo-A-Day #941 11/05/07
I simply cannot believe that her feet are nearly as long as my middle finger. That blows my mind. I was trying to get a shot like the one from this post. I will have to wait till Eva is totally asleep to attempt it. She is so tiny and squirmy. So squirmy. I need to get her right after she falls asleep or something. That shot is hard to do while trying to keep a squirming child from flopping all over the place and trying to gear up for a macro shot. And I just love it when she grabs hold of one of my fingers in her powerful little grip.
Mo from We’re In A Fight came by to visit with us. We couldn’t do dinner because she had a meeting to go to but she spent some time with Allison and I got to see her when I got home from work. Thanks so much for the awesome gifts Mo!
Only 1 more day and I head to Vegas. I have so much to get done before the trip. I better make a list.
I’ve gotten a few links to this blog today and many about my 2008 Photo-A-Day Calendar. Thanks Stephen for the write up and thanks è¿é for buying one.