Tag Archives: Podcast

Cruising with EvaBear

cruising with Evabear
Photo-A-Day #1867

After my demonstration today I drove back to the airport and along the way I saw a Harley-Davidson Shop, Grand Rapids Harley-Davidson. This was a really nice and friendly shop. They had a nice dealer pin there as well. One of the things I miss from no more travel is that I haven’t been to a Harley-Davidson shop in such a long time. I have over 90 dealer pins from all around the country and I haven’t gotten a new one in such a long time. So I picked up a couple pins (Me, Dad and John’s Dad) and then took a bunch of photos of EvaBear around the shop

After the Harley-Davidson shop I continued on and saw that there was a Steak and Shake off one of the exits so I got off to stop for lunch. EvaBear came with me and I took a bunch of EvaBear photos there too. When I was leaving I asked for one of the little cars for Eva and also for a photo with EvaBear. EvaBear fit in perfectly. EvaBear is such a conversation starter and I decided that EvaBear now will have her own gallery on my Facebook photo pages. I’ve created EvaBear Adventures. The strange thing I found on Facebook is that if you send mobile uploads of photos you can’t go and move it to another folder, however other photos in folders can be moved so I’ve started moving the EvaBear photos into that one gallery.

In moments of geekdom today I was in a Ford Focus rental that had Sync. I paired my phone with the car and was able to listen to my podcasts, get my GPS turn by turn through the radio plus I even made a call with it. I liked the technology but didn’t like how I had to connect it each time I got back into the car.

The other geeky thing I did was record an episode of Geek Dads Weekly with Daniel M Clark while using Skype on my Droid. You can hear for yourself how the show came out, but I thought it ended up pretty good.

Daniel has started something really awesome, it is called Daniel Destroys. The inspiration for this send up of the SuperFriends cartoon was Ron “Aalgar” Watt’s reviews of Transformers Generation1. Daniel is doing a loving review of the Superfriends and boy is it funny. I am sitting in the lobby of a hotel and laughed out loud, loudly. Check it out.

Earth Day Petting Zoo

red and  yellow flowers
Photo-A-Day #1840

I was going to title this post “Nothing Better To Do” because for the past two Thursdays it seems like I’ve had nothing better to do than to put out fires. Today it was getting BenSpark.com back into a usable site. I was hacked and if you visited last night or anytime after 5:34pm yesterday you probably received a message that the site had malware on it. Getting hacked sucks. There is no good reason to do this to anyone other than to be malicious. It wasted so much of my time, time that could have been so much more productive. Continue reading Earth Day Petting Zoo