Tag Archives: pool

Andrew’s First Dip in the Pool

Photo-A-Day #2569

Today we had a leisurely day around Mimi and Grandpa Dano’s. We hung around for the morning and after lunch took the kids over to the pool. Eva spent the whole time in the water, when she wasn’t getting out to jump back in and even Andrew got his first dip in the pool. I used my Kodak PlaySport camera to take some pictures and video of the kids in the pool. I think that Eva would spend the whole day in the water if she could.

For dinner we were treated to a guest in the form of, Mr. Stephen. Mr. Stephen works with Grandpa Dano and he’s from Australia. We talked about books, movies, comic books and TV. Mimi says that there is not a person that he could not talk to. It was nice to see him again. Eva, ever the precocious little one went right up to him and said that he was silly. He asked why and she said that it was because he said “Poe – Tay – Toes.” And he said, “So, it is not because I say Toe – May – Toes?” She said, “Oh yes, that is silly too!”

Dusty and Jaws

Photo-A-Day #1927

Allison, Eva and I went to a birthday party today. At the home where the party was taking place there is a large Koi pond. Within that pond there are many Koi and the largest is named Jaws. Flying above the pond was this dragonfly that we called Dusty, every dragonfly is named Dusty because of Ellis Paul’s album The Dragonfly races. I got as close as I could and had to use manual focus to snap this one but I think it came out pretty good. Continue reading Dusty and Jaws