Tag Archives: School

Last Day of School Llama Lollipops

Last Day of School Llamas
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00164

On the last day of school many people plan ahead and take a great photo of their child as they head off. They do the same for the first day of school. then they take the two photos and put them together side by side to show how much the child has grown in the year.

I did not do this.

Thing is, the kids go off to school super early on Tuesdays and Thursdays that I barely have time to writ them notes for their bags and give them kisses and hugs to send them off with Allison to school. A Thursday morning when they leave at 7am and I get out of bed at 6:45am is not the day to try and take last day of school photos.

So I got them Llamas. Or rather, I got them Llama lollipops. Last day of school Llamas. It is silly but that is what I did. Why Andrew is shirtless is beyond me. He gets home and takes off his clothes and puts on a blanket. No idea why. He just does it.

But the kids had a great school year. Eva even made the high honor roll with her last report card. We are very proud. Andrew worked hard on so many things this year and while we are hard on the kid, he’s a good kid and has a huge heart.

Her First Cross Country Meet

Cross Country
Photo-A-Day #4536

Eva had her first Cross Country Meet today. She was very excited to do this for the first time. She and her good friend Maryana are both on the team and they started their run holding hands with each other. I suspect that they tried to stay together though the whole race. They came in close together. They were at the absolute back of the pack to start but made up time during the run. Eva came in at 10 minutes 52 seconds. She told Allison later that the next time Allison suggests that they go for a run that she go. I think she enjoyed it but wants to train more to improve her time. I know that she can do it.

I was tempted to throw a red shirt on Andrew and tell him to run after the big kids just to run out some of his energy. The kid was making me nuts with all his antics. He just has a lot of energy and should get out doing some running. I guess he and I should do our own running so that he is ready when it comes time to do cross country.

Tonight Allison and I went to SMSH for Open House to meet the kid’s teachers and to see their rooms. Allison already knew everyone from working there. I met a few people. It was nice to see what they were doing in their classrooms.