I was given a download of the newest PBS Kids iPad app called Sid the Science Kid’s Science Fair app. Eva and I played with this app for a while and she was very taken with it. She’s been after me almost every day since to ask me to play the app. And it is a pretty fun app too. Basically the App has three mini games to it: Gabriela’s “Collection Inspection”, May’s “Chart It!” and Gerald’s “Time Machine”. These games help to teach kids some great scientific and math related skills. Continue reading Review: Sid the Science Kid Science Fair iPad App→
Eva loves Sid the Science Kid and so whenever I have a chance to work a little Science! into our fun times together I try and do it. This afternoon when I got home from work I took Eva out to play on her Tricycle. We stepped down from the bike because she wasn’t getting the whole pedaling thing. So instead I took out the tricycle that our neighbors at the Cape gave us at the end of the summer. This is smaller, easier for her to get off and on and the pedals are a bit closer. There is also a handle on the back so that I can push when I need to. We were playing in the driveway for a while and she was doing pretty well. She was even starting to pedal a bit. But eventually she got tired of that and we walked around the front yard.