Tag Archives: Shoes

Just Doing the Crosswords

Just Doing the Crosswords
Photo-A-Day #1330

Today we took Eva to visit with Allison’s grandparents, both sets. We had a nice morning in and slept late. We needed a little extra sleep. Then we headed up to Fitchburgh, MA. We went to John and Eva’s house where Bob and Jackie met us and the 7 of us enjoyed an afternoon of visiting, pizza and brownies. The Great-Grandparents were thrilled to spent the time with Eva. She was so cute. Eva is walking and talking a bit now and she has a very nice sense of comedic timing. She really has a good understanding of what we ask of her and it just amazes people.

After a wonderful afternoon we headed home and stopped at the Solomon Pond Mall. I am pretty anti-Black Friday because of the huge displays of greed but we were stopping to return something and I can get behind getting money back. The trip turned into a little more than a return though. I had been sitting in the car with Eva because she passed out 2 minutes into the ride home. The kid had been going non stop since 8:30am. Allison texted me that Stride Rite was having a sale of buy one pair get the second at 50% off. Eva is walking now and she needs some actual shoes so I brought her into the mall and we picked out two very cute pairs of shoes. I have two photos of Eva getting shoes, man I am in trouble now. We picked out two very cute pairs that my mom said she would buy for her for Eva’s birthday. When mom comes home with the Christmas Tree tomorrow she’ll see Eva in some very cute footwear.

I’m off to Watch the Psych Christmas Episode. I think they did one last year too. I love that show.

I hope that you remember that I have two contests happening right now. One is to choose the 12 photos from this past year that should be part of the 2009 Photo-A-Day Calendar and the other is for a Digital Photo Frame from Edge Tech Corp. Easy to enter and you have 2 more days.

In Momma’s Shoes

In Momma's Shoes
Photo-A-Day #1325

Eva is walking around the house all the time now. Sure she walks a little like the mummy but she is walking. I call her Godzilla because instead of walking around things she just blasts through them. Toys, shoes, you name it, she walks along leaving a wake of childlike destruction behind her.

Today we started getting a home delivery of milk from Munroe Dairy. This is a local dairy just over the border in Rhode Island. They deliver anything from milk to pizza ingredients. Eva is a milk drinking fiend and having a steady supply on hand is crucial so we are glad to have this service now. We are also very grateful for it and for the help making it a reality. I’ll have to get a shot of the Milk Box. It was very cool this morning going down to find our new milk box and inside a crate with 4 bottles and some yobaby yogurt form another local farm, Stonyfield. Stonyfield farms used to supply the frozen ice cream at Saint Anselm College. It was such a treat being able to go and get ice cream at the dining hall whenever you wanted some.

If you were wondering if we actually got the photos on the wall, we did and they look really nice.