Tag Archives: shopping

Day 1 as a Part Time Stay At Home Dad

Soft Flowers
Photo-A-Day #2215

I started my new job last night. I’m answering customer service calls from 7pm to 7am Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. My new group eased me into the night. I was even allowed to work from home from 4am on. Basically because I hadn’t had a full week off like the rest of the team. We are a small group, about 11 people but it is tight knit and everyone is helpful. We field calls from all sorts of support areas across every aspect of our software. There really isn’t any time to be bored and I like that. I think that for the past couple of years I’ve let boredom overtake me and make me slow and stupid. I like the pace of this job and it is still relaxed as well. We never see customers so I don’t have to bother with the business casual dress anymore. I can dress nicely but with jeans, oh so much more comfortable. Continue reading Day 1 as a Part Time Stay At Home Dad

Dig, Dig, Dig

Photo-A-Day #1850

A pretty quiet day down around here. Early church and then to the supermarket. We did a huge shopping over at Shaws. We’re still working off the gift cards that we bought last month. While at the store we ended up saving $79.00 what with all the deals on meat and the use of competitors coupons. We made out pretty well, and once again it was because we have been doing meal plans and a cash budget each month. Just paying attention to where our money goes each month causes us to protect it more and make better decisions. Continue reading Dig, Dig, Dig