Tag Archives: skylanders spyros adventure

MEGA Bloks Skylanders Swap Force Flynn’s Rescue Ship – The Dread Yacht – Play Set

Photo-A-Day #3109

I received a special package from MEGA Bloks this past week that included five new products. Three of them were from the new MEGA Bloks Skylanders Swap Force line and two from the Skylanders Giants line. The opinions expressed by me are 100% my own.

One of the new toys from the Swap Force line was Flynn’s Rescue Ship. This was the toy that I completely geeked out over at Toy Fair. However, the toy fair one was lighter blue, almost teal and had Swarm instead of Magna Charge. I’m not sure why it isn’t called the Dread Yacht because that is the name of Flynn’s ship. I don’t know why it was held back and the colors changed to a brighter blue but maybe I’ll find out when I start playing Swap Force. Either way, it is a fantastic set, probably he best set so far. Here is my video review.

Continue reading MEGA Bloks Skylanders Swap Force Flynn’s Rescue Ship – The Dread Yacht – Play Set

It’s Crush Hour

Photo-A-Day #3089

My favorite character from Skylanders Giants has to be Crusher. He’s just got the coolest look. I got the Granite Crusher character as my very first Skylanders Giants figure and played him for the better part of the first month of playing the game.

I’ve recently begun completing each and every character’s upgrading and leveling up and heroic challenges and quests and more. I just finished all of the Earth Skylanders and am moving on to the Tech Skylanders. This works well because I will be doing another My Favorite Skylander video all about Trigger Happy. It will probably be a while before I get to Crusher.

I’ve got to get a move on because Swap Force comes out in three weeks. Here re some videos to get you more excited. Continue reading It’s Crush Hour