Tag Archives: Snow White

Dreams of Gliding over the Ice

Gliding over the ice
Photo-A-Day #2091

Today we took Eva to see Disney on Ice. She was very excited to see the Princesses skate. She’s seen the commercial many times and each time she says that she’d like to slide on the ice. I think maybe some little skating lessons might be in her future, we’ll see. I’m nervous enough when she’s walking down the street, I can just imagine how I’d fare watching her on a slippery, hard and unforgiving surface. Continue reading Dreams of Gliding over the Ice

Pretty, Pretty Princess

Photo-A-Day #1802

Eva has been on a Princess kick lately. It could be because we have been reading Disney’s Princess Treasury (aff link) to her each night. Eva has given all of us in the family names like Cinderella, Snow White and Prince Eric. Eva herself is Ariel and she tells people that she is Ariel.

Continue reading Pretty, Pretty Princess