Tag Archives: Star Wars

Hosting a Solo: A Star Wars Story Movie Night!

Solo Movie Night

We were quite fortunate that Disney sent us a massive box of Solo: A Star Wars Story toys games and more to host a movie night! This post is a bit late because our box got a bit hung up in Hyperspace. It did not make the Kessel Run in less than 14 parsecs. But it arrived an it was filled with some amazing items!! So many cool toys from Hasbro and also a Chewbacca Snug—, er I mean blanket with sleeves. Popcorn and a copy of the movie on Blu-ray rounded out the fantastic items! The kids and I unboxed that massive box of things from Disney to show you. You can see it below.

Eva and I have already seen the movie but Andrew and Allison have not. When we get a free night we will all watch the movie together and take along our new Ultimate Co-Pilot Chewie, some Chewbacca Masks and even a copy of the Sabacc game from the movie. We can even get into blaster fights with the Nerf Han Solo blaster. We got two of them! I think we are one Chewbacca mask away from having the whole family about to wear them at one time.

The Blu-ray has a bunch of extras included, over an hour’s worth. One of the things is a featurette called Kasdan on Kasdan. Iconic Star Wars screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan and son Jonathan share what it was like to write the movie’s script together. Here is a clip of that.

There is so much more included. You can discover it all on your own but to help further enjoy the movie night I have a few things that you can download like Activity Sheets, Recipes and more! Click the images below to download the files to print at home.

Solo Recipes

Solo Paper Foldables


Solo: A Star Wars Story on Blu-Ray Today

Solo Concept Art - Han and Chewie - Characters

Back when Solo: A Star Wars Story came out in theaters I was able to take my daughter Eva for a one on one movie event. I don’t often get to do things just with her and while the entire family is full of Star Wars fans, we have a bond with the Star Wars Universe. This started when Eva and I began watching Star Wars Rebels together. This was after her first showing of A New Hope. She had to start with the classics and then work her way through all the movies. She has not seen Episode III or Rouge One yet. That is okay, she is pretty in tune with the violence of movies and those would have been a bit much. Episode III for the Obi Wan and Anakin fight and Rogue One for seeing all those characters perish. But, I knew that Solo was going to be a bit more lighthearted.

I was not disappointed. The movie was very entertaining. There was great action and also humor. I think that everyone involved did a great job with the story and the characters. Eva and I laughed nd were excited to see this story about Han and Chewie and how they got to where they were at the beginning of A New Hope. Because I had watched all of Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels I was surprised by the ending but not baffled like many people. I thought that was very cool. There are so many cool moments in the movie. However, watching it with Eva, seeing her get all the references and callbacks was so worth seeing it with her. I enjoyed it so much and cannot wait to watch it again with the whole family. The Blu-ray comes out today and I will surely be picking it up. Below is a whole bunch of information, special movie clips and even a contest for you to win an XBox One! Continue reading Solo: A Star Wars Story on Blu-Ray Today