Tag Archives: #StarWarsRebels

Star Wars Rebels Season One Blu-ray Giveaway

Star Wars Rebels Season One - DVD

Star Wars Rebels is one of my favorite shows. I like it a lot because Eva and I watched it together and this was her gateway into Star Wars. Since that time Eva has seen Star Wars: A New Hope and she is eager to watch more. Star Wars Rebels was that perfect show to come along and get Eva excited about Star Wars which makes this Geek Dad Proud.

Would you like to share this great show with your kids? I’m giving away a copy of the Season One Blu-ray. Enter through the Rafflecopter App below.

More about Star Wars Rebels can be found below. Continue reading Star Wars Rebels Season One Blu-ray Giveaway

Star Wars Rebels Activity Sheets

Star Wars Rebels Collage

Star Wars Rebels premiered recently. I actually got the Star Wars Rebels Spark of Rebellion DVD the other day and have a post going up later today all about that. However, before you go and check out that post you have to look through these activity sheets for your kids. My daughter, Eva loved the coloring page of Ezra, Sabine and Chopper. You can click on some of the links below to download the activity sheets.