Captain America is in theaters this weekend. Have you seen it yet? Continue reading Hey Girl, Have you Seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Yet?
Captain America is in theaters this weekend. Have you seen it yet? Continue reading Hey Girl, Have you Seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Yet?
Allison and I just finished watching Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and there were a bunch of commercials for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I am very excited to see this movie. I did not get all the inside scoop like my buddy Andrew, who has a great post about his interview with Chris Evans, Captain America Himself over on his blog, Mommy’s Busy, Go Ask Daddy. So, I’m still going to have to wait until the movie is released to see it.
Actually, I am going to go see it on my birthday the week after it is released. It is going to be hard to wait.
If it is going to be hard to wait for you, then check out these activity sheets (click the Captain America Image to the left to download the .pdf).
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CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER releases in theaters everywhere on April 4th!