Tag Archives: Tom and Jerry

Crazy Tom and Jerry Piñata Cake

Our Tom and Jerry Cake
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #00787

We want to thank Warner Bros. for sending us the free promotional items for the Tom and Jerry movie. Opinions are our own.

Last week we were eating cake that we baked for the Tom and Jerry Movie. This week we were smashing cake. Not a real cake but rather a giant Piñata cake. The movie promo team sent us this cake along with a tiny mallet to use to smash the cake. However. We figured that we could do it one better and use other implements of destruction to take apart this cake.

The aftermath

The cake was filled with a bunch of fun things like little toy cars, pencils, cereal boxes, candy and much more. They also included some confetti poppers to generate as big a mess as possible. That goal was accomplished.