Tag Archives: Transformers Movie

My New Favorite Transformer: Backfire

Photo-A-Day #2235

I’ve gone on record before as stating that I dislike the Transformers Movie toys. They are cheap, not that well made and the robots look horrible. I’ve even gone so far as stating that Transformers 2 scenes looked like someone threw a ton of silverware in the air and filmed it at triple speed. However, despite that, when Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon comes out in July I’ll be seeing the movie at least twice in the theater (once in IMAX). If I can get advanced screening tickets again that would be fantastic. I’ve seen Transformers 1 & 2 at advanced screenings and the energy in the theater made the movie. Continue reading My New Favorite Transformer: Backfire

Wii got The Touch

Photo-A-Day #1780

Being a huge Transformers nerd I am sort of ashamed that I didn’t know this sooner. I learned that Guitar Hero World Tour has Stan Bush’s 1986 Transformers Movie Anthem The Touch as a free downloadable song. So that and talking to my friend Russ last night about what he enjoys on my blog inspired me to take another Transformers Shot.

Continue reading Wii got The Touch