Tag Archives: Twitter

Scoble has Twitter Influence…

I was looking at my twitter today and I saw a twitter by Cali Lewis of Geek Brief.TV. Her twitter asked, “I have Twitter Influence?” And yes she does according to TwitterPoster.com. This is a visual representation of the people on twitter who have the most followers.

Here is what the website states:

TwitterPoster is a visual application based on Twitter API.
It provides a visual representation of the degree of influence of the Twitter users.
The size, 24×24, 48×48 and 2×72 pixels is set based on the number of followers of each user

And guess who has the biggest number of followers (6845 at the time I loaded the page). Robert Scoble. I’m following him and Cali Lewis (1985 followers) and Danielle Corsetto (282 followers) on Twitter. How about you? Anybody that you follow on TwitterPoster?

So now I am interested in getting my mug up on that page. I have 42 followers so far. Feel free to follow me on Twitter.

Join the Blog Rush.

Radar.net, Eva’s online debut…

On the day that Eva was born, the announcement of her birth was first made to the world using Radar.net. I wrote a very detailed review of the website over on Flatwater Tech. However the awesome folks at Radar.net have just innovated again. this time they have created a channel player where users can allow their public photos to appear on an embeable player on their blogs. Here is what mine looks like and the photos that were part of Eva’s first moments.

Between Radar.Net and Twitter, Eva was micro-blogged into life on the web. If only I had a better camera phone.

To work the player click on the picture and then you can see additional photos that I have made public. I am going to embed this player some where on this blog, maybe on its own page. Great job to the folks from Radar.net for their new feature.