Photo-A-Day #4414
The other day I found the new Rocket Raccooon Hot Wheels Character car at Target. This is the second Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 car that I have found. I’m on the hunt for other ones like Yondu, Nebula and Mantis but am happy that I found Rocket. This is a new redeco of the car with a more Blue and other dark colors theme to it that reflects his look in the new movie. I also decided to open the Baby Groot Go-Kart car as well. This one has a Groot face on it and then long tendrils off the back with red Ravager uniform accents to it. These are both decent cars. Check them out up close in the video.
Also in the video I mention that I hear my neighbors cavorting and screaming and yelling. I mention this a couple of times in the video and then when I listened to the video and I did not hear them. So now I sound crazy.