At WordCamp Boston 2010 there were many fun surprises including some give aways like great designer USB flash drives from mimoco. I ended up winning this cute little Hello Kitty mimobot (for Eva because every 2 yr old needs a 2GB USB drive), that is what the USB drives are called. I first learned about mimobots back in 2007 at CollegeFest. Their booth was directly across the way from us. They had just started their Star Wars series of mimobots too. That set included some great characters.
Tag Archives: USB
Do You Poken?
I’ll be Poken with my new Poken courtesy of my newest Ultimate IZEAFest Prize Pack sponsor – PokenGirl! I put out a message on twitter the other day asking people what they thought of pokens. The call was answered by a few people but PokenGirl stepped up and became an Ultimate IZEAFest 2009 Sponsor. She is going to supply me with 4 Pokens. 1 for each of the Contest winners and 1 for me. I stepped up and became an affiliate for her Poken Site.
I can tell that this is going to be a great relationship. PokenGirl is so enthusiastic and has some great ideas. I can’t wait to share my new Dragon Poken with everyone! I’ll be high 4ing all over the place. I asked Allison which Poken I should get, Dragon or Ninja. She looked at me like “Dude, you are a sci-fi / fantasy nerd, um Dragon, duh” She is very expressive with her face.

So this is what I’ll be getting as soon as I am back from Affiliate Summit East. And check out what the description of the Dragon is. “The Dragon is self-assured, gifted and a natural leader. This guy is full of energy!” That is me to a T. Again I waited to long to ask a question that provided me with a contact and another sponsor. Ask people, ask on Twitter, there are great people like PokenGirl out there who you can help and who can help you.
But what is a poken? PokenGirl states
“Pokens are the latest and best way to connect with people when you’re grabbing a coffee, on campus or at a business event! It’s never been easier to add friends into your world; forget scrambling for a pen and a scrap of paper or collecting business cards. Poken makes sure you never lose an opportunity to link up – and stay linked up – with those you need to know.
It’s super easy to Poken. Like 1-2-3. First, chose the Poken that’s most like you. Activate, and create your contact card on Meet new friends and get your Pokens to High Four and, zip, you’ve grabbed a new set of contact card vitals. Connect the Poken USB to an Internet-ready computer and watch your network grow.”
Want your own Poken and want to High 4 with me at IZEAFest then pop over to PokenGirl and pick one up, they are only $19.95 each. The cost is low but the benefits are priceless. Do you Poken?