I was sent a copy of Delivery Man starring Vince Vaughn to watch and review. Opinions of the movie are 100% my own.
Last Thursday Allison and I had a free night so we watched Delivery Man. I had heard about this movie and I had also participated in some campaigns to promote it. I was interested to see it because the idea was a crazy one. A guy, lovable loser David Wozniak – Vince Vaughn, donates to a sperm bank an exorbitant amount of times and his donations are also selected many many times, so many that he is the father of 533 children. When a group of those children sue the donation facility to find the identity of their father Davids already crazy life gets turned upside down but at the same time he finds purpose and order.
I thought this was a cute movie. Certainly a fun Friday night on the couch rental type movie. The performances by Vince Vaughn, Cobie Smulders and Chris Pratt were good. I especially liked Chris Pratt and Vince Vaughn talking while all of Chris’ kids were misbehaving. It was one of my favorite scenes, here is a small snippet.
“I Think I Want a Kid”
I know that parents can certainly relate to this scenario. How often do you feel like whatever you say beyond the word “cookie” are falling on deaf ears. Keep at it because those things that you say over and over will eventually sink in. They will hear you and more so they will hear your actions. So, say what you will but do what you want them to do.
Despite the whole premise of Delivery Man being so unbelievable there are genuine moments of heart in this movie. Moments of parenthood that may not happen in every family but if you have 533 kids you are going to experience the gamut of situations. All through it David is a guy who tries, fails often but keeps trying and has some great moments of success. It is worth picking up to watch.
Below I have the official movie synopsis as well as some clips from the movie and one deleted scene, which in my opinion it should have been deleted, it doesn’t quite fit. Continue reading DVD Review: Delivery Man