Tag Archives: Vlogging

Sunday One Minute Vlog. DAD 2.0 Call for Speakers

Wolverine in a Pedal Rider
Photo-A-Day #4176

Sunday’s are crazy ones. I run home from work and go to Church with the family. Then I get back to the house and try and get to sleep by 10am. Then I usually sleep until 5pm to get up for dinner with the family. Gather the trash and recycling to put it out before I leave. This leaves very little time to make a daily vlog so I’ve been doing these one-minute vlogs on Sunday.

Today I’m talking about my desire to speak at Dad 2.0. I’m looking to speak in a round table or maybe a panel all about vlogging for the average dad vlogger. There are so many things that people can do simply to vlog.

One Minute Vlog – #Unboxing Funko Pop Falcon

Marvel Falcon Unboxed
Photo-A-Day #4169

While taking a look at some of the conversations over at the YouTube Creator Community I got some inspiration. I learned about a vlogger who was doing a one-minute vlog every day. I am not sure if I can go and record a one-minute vlog on a daily basis but one the weekends when I have limited time it works great. Unboxings work well for the one-minute type videos. My toughest part of all this is actually keeping the videos to a minute.

I picked up Falcon at Barnes & Noble when I used my gift card last week. I was saving it for a day when I didn’t have much else going on. It was perfect for the minute long video.