Tag Archives: voltron lotor

Voltron Season 4 Returns October 13th on Netflix #StreamTeam

Voltron Team

I wasn’t quite thrilled that Voltron was split into 7 episodes and 6 episodes this year but I am thrilled that the second half of this year’s episodes returns this coming Friday. he kids and I have been fans ever since the first season. I’ve actually been a fan for a little longer because I was able to visit DreamWorks Animation Studios a few years ago before the show began. I can’t wait to find out what happens next, but then it is going to be a long wait for season 5. There was a panel at New York Comic-Con and I’ve wanted to get there for years. I would have loved to see the cast again.

Voltron - NYCC Panel

New York Comic Con Panel Reveals Brand New DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender Season 4 Clip and Stills
Watch the new season exclusively on Netflix on October 13th!

Saturday, October 7, 2017, New York Comic Con:
The creators and cast of the Netflix original series DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender offered fans at New York Comic Con an exclusive sneak peek inside the upcoming season in advance of it’s October 13 premiere.

Voltron - Pidge

During the panel, a fan asked Kimberly to choose between Shiro and Lance. She refused to answer on behalf of Princess Allura. But as Kimberly Brooks goes she’s Shiro all the way!

Voltron - Kim, AJ, Josh

Season 4 kicks off with Shiro back at the Castleship and Keith making a choice that causes a rift between him and Team Voltron. As Allura and team focus on building the Voltron Coalition, Prince Lotor’s plans start to take shape. Continue reading Voltron Season 4 Returns October 13th on Netflix #StreamTeam

Prince Lotor Rises Tomorrow on Voltron Legendary Defender Season 3 #StreamTeam

Voltron - Prince Lotor

Tomorrow the battle for the fate of the Universe begins anew!

DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender Season 3 will debut on Netflix TOMORORW August 4th with seven all-new episodes. In the wake of Zarkon’s defeat and Shiro’s disappearance, the paladins struggle to move forward with no one able to pilot the black lion or the ability to form Voltron. The team must quickly devise a plan as the ascension of Prince Lotor and his generals pulls the team into a perilous game of cat-and-mouse that tests their unity and abilities more than ever before.

Here is a brand new clip of Prince Lotor owning the whole of the Galra Empire. Where Zarkon was a rage of emotion, Lotor is more calculated and I think a more dangerous villain in this series. We shall see when season 3 drops tomorrow. But first, this clip.

And who are these people? They are Lotor’s generals.

Voltron Bad Guys