Tag Archives: Walking

He’s Walking!

Photo-A-Day #2798

It is time to tie everything in the house down. Andrew is walking and he’s walking a lot. Just in the past few days he has started walking unaided all over the house. If we put him down in the living room on his feet he will walk to the coffee table. Allison and I had him walking back and forth to each other across the dining room floor as we sorted through Christmas boxes.

I think that the Christmas tree must be anchored, not only because of him but the kittens as well. I am not sure that it will make it through the holidays when we put it up. I have a feeling that some of our ornaments are going to look very appealing to both child and kitten.

New Work(Out) Space

Photo-A-Day #2716

My treadmill arrived today. It was scheduled from 7:45am-9:45am for deliver and the truck pulled up at 7:36am. I’m so impressed with the promptness of Sears and Bob’s Stores. Both times I’ve received my ordered items just before my window, it has been great! What is better is that the treadmill that I ordered actually fit down the stairs. Two guys brought it in and they had it set up and running in about fifteen minutes. It was then time for me to build my TrekDesk. Continue reading New Work(Out) Space