Not Even Two Days ago I posted about how I enjoy Koko Fit Club so much. I tend to go Monday through Thursday and skip Friday (Swimming Lessons with Andrew) do Saturday and then skip Sunday (Church Day). In an average week I’ll complete 3 strength training workouts on the Smart Trainer (Mon, Wed, Sat) and do about 10 or so Cardio Workouts during the week with Tuesdays and Thursdays serving as “double sessions” (4 Cardio sessions 2 Treadmill, 2 Elliptical). This has helped me get in better shape and it has helped to move me closer to the next level/goal at the club. Continue reading My 3rd Koko Perfect Workout.
Tag Archives: weight loss
Road Testing the ElliptiGO

Photo-A-Day #2061
Today I got the opportunity to test ride an ElliptoGO. This is an Elliptical Bike. You stand up on it to ride and basically propel yourself like you were running.