Tag Archives: Work

Smallville in Langley…


I’m in Langley, BC and this morning when I arrived at Langley hospital I saw that it was transformed into Smallville Medical Center. I learned that Smallville is filmed in Cloverdale, BC. That is a little ways away from Langley. It was a rare treat for me to see the film company setting up for a scene that will be part of and episode called “Resurrection” that will be airing here in BC on March 2, 2004.

During lunch I took a walk around the front of the building to see how the production was going. And while I was standing there and checking out the set up I took a few pictures. And as I waited I saw the arrival of John Schneider (Jonathan Kent) and Tom Welling (Clark Kent). I even took a picture but I was very far away from them to get a decent photo. But that is them in the red box.

The scene that they are filming is a simulated bomb threat and evacuation from the Smallville Medical Center. The room that I am conducting training in is right next to the room where all the extras are hanging out. So It’s pretty exciting. I guess that many of the hospitals actually subsidize their fund raising by letting film companies film at the hospital. So to everyone I’m training this is pretty old hat. But I’m the starstruck one.

I had wondered if I would be seeing any stars while I was in Canada. Seeing as this is an area where this are a lot of movies and TV shows being filmed. Here is another site for Smallville.

Hospital and Sky images…

Sky over Physician’s Hospital

So this is the hospital that I’ve been working at for the past week. It is a pretty hospital. The rooms for patients are huge suites. There are 40 suites so far, the hospital will be adding more as time goes by too. They are going to be expanding over time. They are still putting the finishing touches on everything and that is a little weird but things seem to be going okay so far. I spent much of the day building reports and other dictionary things. For lunch I had a really good pulled pork sandwich at a BBQ joint., so it’s all good.

Gotta love the sky out here

This is a shot from the car while I was driving from the hospital to the hotel. Isn’t the sky awesome. If it wasn’t for the dust and smog in the air the sunsets and sky would be so incredible. The nights are pretty clear and the moon has been pretty full this week. So that has also been a great sight.

Tonight I went to dinner with another specialist Laura to Jaxon’s Restaurant. They are a Micro brew. I got a sampler of their beers. 8 little 1 ounce glasses of each beer. A nice assortment. Very tasty. If you go to El Paso I’d stop there for dinner or drinks.