Tag Archives: YouTube

Photo-A-Day #999 01/02/07

Photo-A-Day #999

Going back to work after a 4 day weekend always makes it tougher to get back into the swing of things. However I have a big demo on Friday and 3 in a row next week so I got right on the ball today. It actually made things fly by as I worked really hard on the demonstration. It is a sort of new one based on an old one so there are just a few things to relearn but I also have to make sure I hit all the new points.

Continue reading Photo-A-Day #999 01/02/07

Just Too Disturbing for words.

Thanks to Pop Candy I found the Estelle Getty workout video remix. It is a riot.

Unfortunately I was unable to find this video anywhere on amazon so that you lovely people could rush right out and buy it. But you get the gist of the workout, grab some towels, cans of stewed prunes and get on ouot of that chair and work it baby. And watch out for Vanna Wipe. I swear that is what the woman says at the beginning. Hilarious.