Tag Archives: ZINK.com

Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs

At the Bar

With March almost upon us here I wanted to let you all know about a blogging event that I have put together. It is called Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs. I’ve been spending quite a bit of time downtown at The Speed of Thought Playhouse. I’ve been there for an improv comedy show, I’ve been there to see bands perform, I’ve been there for a Stand up comedy show and I even sat in and watched the improv class one night. Eventually I will get up the nerve to join in the class.

Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs will take place on March 13, 2009 at 6:30pm. That is when bloggers can show up. Then there is a $10 charge to stay for the Speed of Thought Players Comedy show. The comedy show is certainly worth the price of admission because it is funny and it encourages audience participation. We may even work out some way to display real time Tweets for suggestions in the improv games. Here is the information that I’ve already posted to Upcoming.com, Going.com, a couple of Rhode island message boards, Craigslist and of course facebook.

“BenSpark.com in collaboration with Speed of Thought Playhouse present Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs. This is the first meeting of bloggers in the Greater North Attleboro area and beyond.

(You don’t have to live in North Attleboro to attend, if you want to come to the event we are happy to have you no matter where you live.)

The night will begin with a meet and greet in the Speed of Thought Playhouse. There is free wi-fi so feel free to bring a laptop or other wi-fi enabled device. During the Meet and Greet you will have a chance to Enter BenSpark’s PhotoBooth for a chance at cool swag. Also I am an IZEA Insider and I’ll be able to talk to you about some great sites like IZEA and SocialSpark.

At 8:30 the Speed of Thought Players will perform their hilarious comedy improv show. The cost of the show is $10. Bloggers are encouraged to stay for the show. You can bring cameras and video cameras with you.

I will try and broadcast the event Live through USTREAM and also be live Twittering and also sending Live posts to UTTERLI.

So come on down to the Speed of Thought Playhouse for a great time, some laughs, some beers and other bloggers.

Host: BenSpark.com & Speed of Thought Players
Date: Friday, March 13, 2009
Time: 6:30pm – 11:30pm
Location: Speed of Thought Playhouse
Street: 39 North Washington Street
City/Town: North Attleboro, MA”

What I am really excited about aside from meeting some new and interesting people is BenSpark’s PhotoBooth. I have been working really hard securing sponsors for this event and I got some great ones and some great prizes. I’ll be supplying a few BenSpark.com hats, IZEA Swag, BluFrog Energy Drink, Ten Bills.com T-Shirts, an XShot or two and I also received two PoGo printers from ZINK Imaging along with over 100 sheets of PoGo ZINK Paper. But you are going to have to wait till March 13 to see what I do with that.

Here is the flyer I made for the event.


I Need a Nap

I Need a Nap
Photo-A-Day #1421

That statement is not just a song by Weird Al and Kate Winslet (really it is sung by them and is on the Dog Train CD by Sandra Boynton). Today I was very busy at work. I started my day with a trip to the gym, 3rd one this week! Then I had a very long demo to observe, that ran into my next meeting which was a good meeting but there is now so much to do. I am coordinating a presentation that is open to the entire company. This is a high profile project, no more flying below the radar. Gotta put on the big boy pants now.

Today I did try my second can of BluFrog Energy drink. My earlier comments about taste aside I am pretty jazzed about this drink. I enjoyed my second can and it helped me big time to stay wide awake during a 3 hour demo. I was crazy productive to. I wrote a legal pad page size list of action items for the project for work as well as for the blog. I am so excited about my new theme that I have some awesome ideas for the site relaunch. I need to put wheels in motion though because much work needs to be done and I need to be ready when the theme goes live. I do not have a live date yet so all the more reason to do my back end work now.

Speaking of blog work, I have a bunch of interesting things going on in the coming month, there is going to be a Photography contest that will be open to the US and Canada, however for the top prize you have to be in Boston on the weekend of April 18 & 19 as the prize will be a two day pass to Digital Days in Boston. I will have other prizes as well. This will be a big photography contest and should launch during next week.

I installed two new plug ins today. I installed the MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate plug in and even signed up to be an affiliate. I signed up through Darren Rowse because the cost of the plug in was $30 off. I figure that if I am going to get serious about earning some additional income on this blog I need to pay for some proper tools.

In conjunction with that particular plug in I also choose to install the Unique Blog Design plug in called the UBD Block Ad, I learned about it from Life of Justin. I can’t quite get it to work right however, there are supposed to be two columns but I can only seem to get one column. Nate Whitehill from Unique Blog Designs has been great helping me out and offering suggestions. I ended up signing up as an affiliate for them too. I have a blog that was designed by those guys and I love the design. They designed Read To Me, Dad after I won a contest. They were awesome to work with.

On my action item list I put down test out my PoGo. I will try that out tonight. I have a bunch of ZINK Media that is for Blogs, Brews and Belly Laughs but I will use one pack of 10 to do some testing.

Because ZINK.com supplied me with a couple of PoGo units I was able to return the one I bought and use that money with the rest of the money from my Bonus mad money to purchase a Flip HD. I can’t wait for that to arrive. I am excited to see how the Flip HD works, I have heard so many great things about it.