A Valentine’s Day Teddy bear that my sister Tara gave to Eva. It is from Wildlifeworks.com. It was handmade in the African Bush. The new teddy has assimilated well and even snagged my new hat from IZEA.
Today we were moving quite slowly. The sleep schedule for all of us was very off because Eva got sick for the 1st time last night. The poor kid was so confused as she just stood there and vomited. It was so sad to see.
Last night Allison and I went to the Speed of Thought Playhouse in downtown North Attleboro. We walked there, something one of the comedians asked us as he was making fun of the small town. But it was all in fun. We sat directly in the front in the middle so of course we were going to be targets, it worked and it was a good time. It is always more fun being a little part of the show, especially if you can laugh at yourself. But because the comedian asked if we walked to the show we ended up meeting another couple who also walked to the show, they have a 10 month old and I think we’re going to connect with them at some point, maybe at another show.
I love comedy, especially live comedy, there is nothing like it. The Speed of Thought Playhouse put on a great show with four comedians as well as a host. They also had a spread of chicken wings, a Caesar pasta and a Stromboli. There was also a great big bowl of strawberries on sticks and a chocolate fountain for dipping. I got us a few plates of those. They were very tasty.
Right before the show started I took this photo of Allison and I. We have a plate of Strawberries on sticks covered in fondue chocolate from a chocolate fountain. We had so much fun and liked the comedians a lot.
This was our opener, he was really good and right out of school. The son of an Irish mother and Pakistani father, he had some interesting perspectives to share.
I want to say his name was Martin and I can’t find any info on the SOTP website but he was really good.
The last performer in the Valentine’s Show was David Dilorenzo of the Goomba Comedy Company. He was good and he took some heckling from some random dude at the bar. It was sort of uncomfortable how angry the bar dude was but David diffused the situation pretty well.
After the show he personally went to everyone’s table and thanked them for coming and I asked if he’d take a picture with us. He said “no” and kept going. This was after he’d picked on me all night. I was like, what the heck, but I could tell he was joking.
David came back and took the picture with us, I didn’t use the Xshot because the camera wasn’t on it at that time and I had just gotten my call from my Dad about Eva getting sick. So a nice couple that we had been talking to took this photo and then we dashed home.
While we were at the Comedy show my Dad called to tell me that Eva was getting sick. This was her first sick time ever. She took it like a trooper. We were up till 2:00am and then finally took her to bed with us, once we put down a bunch of towels and another blanket in case she vomited again. Poor Kid. She was better today.
A few times yesterday I asked my twitter friends what they were up to for Valentine’s Day. I got a pretty limited response but that is okay. Here is what they were up to or what they received:
magical_trevor – @BenSpark We’re going to DISNEY WORLD!
jorayne – @BenSpark Sadly I’m doin wat i do everyday~cooking~cleaning~and changing my brakes (tho i dont do that everyday)
Coop56 – @BenSpark My girlfriends in school still 1000 miles away from me so..what am I doing today? I have programming 2 class from 1pm to 9pm! Fun
GimmeBluFrog – @BenSpark Relaxing with my awesome girlfriend, massage, movie, Indian food, and a good book. We did dinner and dessert on V Day eve. You?
rebeccanimrod – @BenSpark handmade valentine from my husband, pink homemade waffles from my mom, window art from my youngest son “I (heart) mom”
Phreddy – Chillin’ w/ my boo in Galveston…w/his family. Romantic? Nah. Quality time with the fam? You betcha.
Yesterday I saw in a tweet that I had won a case of BluFrog Energy Drink. BluFrog is being hyped all over twitter and facebook and blogs. I am very interested in trying it because it is supposed to be a healthy energy drink. Less calories, less sugar. My case is on its way on Tuesday courtesy of Martha Decker. She ran a contest to give away a case of the stuff. I won. Nice!
I found it difficult to plan anything exciting this year. So, I cooked an extravagant meal and we enjoyed an evening indoors with our children. It was a great day.
A nice meal with the family is a wonderful way to spend the day. Good for you. So what did you make?
I love live comedy. There are some great small venues around here if you have time to go during IZEAfest. Sometimes the best comedians are the unknowns- my favorites were some improv night newbies I saw in San Francisco.
Hope Eva’s fully recovered! Glad you guys had a fun Valentine’s day.
Live comedy is so much fun. If there is time during IZEAFest I’d love to catch some comedy. Eva is pretty much back up to snuff. However, I am sick as a dog and Allison is not far behind.