This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Tony’s Pizza. All opinions are 100% mine.
I received 8 free sample coupons for Tony’s New Crispy Crust pizzas. At our supermarket the pizzas were 2 for $3.00. The serving size says 2 but the pizza is pretty much a personal size, at least for me. The pizza is square with rounded corners and comes in three flavors cheese, pepperoni and supreme. Cheese was sold out at our store, so I got two pepperoni and one supreme.
The intructions say to cook the pizza between 12 and 14 minutes at 400 degrees. That is with the pizza directly on the rack and in a pre-heated oven. Did I follow the directions? No. I was too concerned about taking photos for the post and documenting everything and keeping Eva away from the stove to correctly follow direction. So instead I just turned on the oven, took a few shots of the frozen pizza.
And some close up shots.
I put the pizzas right into the oven on the same cookie sheet, a large one. Both pizzas fit on the sheet at the same time, so with two pizzas I had roughly the same size pizza as one of the large pizzas we usually eat when we have frozen pizza.
After 14 minutes I knew I hadn’t left the pizzas in long enough so another couple minutes here and there till I got things just right. When the crust looked golden and delicious I took the pizzas out and cut them up so that Allison and I basically had the same size pizza and we had two Eva sized strips of each pizza as well.
We eat many different types of pizza and often we get the more premium frozen pizzas, when they are on sale. However, we sometimes get a more economical choice like Tony’s Pizza which will do for a decent pizza meal. Prior to this free sample tasting I had bought 3 of Tony’s larger pizzas because I wanted the coupons for the Ninja Turtles video game but screwed up and lost my receipt, I still enjoyed the pizza though.
The new Tony’s Crispy Crust was very good, I could tell it was going to be crispy when I cut the pizza. Then trying the pizza I enjoyed the texture and crunch from each bite. I liked the overall taste of the pizza. While there was nothing really outstanding about it overall, it was still tasty. I liked the pepperoni more than the supreme even though both were loaded up with toppings. Allison liked the pizza but thought the sauce was a little bland which I disagreed with. Bland isn’t really a problem for me anyway because I usually put hot sauce on everything and would add banana peppers to future pizzas. I would also like to go on record as saying that Tony’s Crispy Crust pizza was much better than a certain pizza chain that just relaunched.
Eva devoured her slices.
Having tried the Tony’s Crispy Crust pizzas and seeing how inexpensive they are I would certainly purchase them again for those family nights where we want to eat something light and then watch a family movie or play a game. I swear that pizza is so conducive to such nights. So, thank you Tony’s for the pizza coupons.
I have 5 Tony’s coupons to give away to readers of this blog. simply leave me a comment on this post telling me your favorite topping(s) for pizza. You must answer the question “What is your favorite pizza topping?” in order to win. Winners will be chosen by me and notified via e-mail. *You will need to provide me with a mailing address if you win so that I can send you the coupon, which will only be used to mail you the coupon. I’ll Pick 5 winners next Friday. Which, by the way, was traditionally pizza night for me when I was growing up.
But that is not all…
There are two Tony’s sponsored contests happening right now. There is the Tech from Tony’s Contest (Official Rules) and the Let Tony’s Entertain You! Contest (Official Rules). To enter the contests you simply need to leave a comment on any or all of the posts listed below and also improve your chances of winning by sending out tweets linking back to each post using the hashtag #TonysPizza.
Tech from Tony’s Contest
Chris Pirillo – What Do Bachelors Eat? – Funny Video on this one.
Geekadelphia – Nom Nom Nom: Tech Giveaway From Tony’s Pizza – Tech Giveaway from Tony’s
Dragon Blogger – Tech Giveaway from Tony’s
Let Tony’s Entertain You! Contest – CBM Pizza Pow-Wow Ponders the Demise of Spider-Man’s Franchise
YepYep – Entertainment Giveaway from Tony’s Pizza
AreYou Screening. com – Entertainment Giveaway from Tony’s Pizza
Bacon Babble – Tony’s Pizza $500 Entertainment Give Away
I love making pizza in the oven – I’ve been trying making it from scratch recently, but most nights I’m too lazy. And being a bachelor, frozen pizza is a staple in my house. The smaller servings are good when I just need something quick, and larger ones are great for leftovers for breakfast, lunch, and dinner later.
.-= Look at what Dave Myers wrote blog ..icanhasdavem: @TFNDina Hey.
Hey Dave,
Where the heck have you been, glad to see you are out of hiding or witness protection or wherever you were. So, what is your favorite topping? You want to be considered for the free coupon right? Toppings man, toppings?
Peperoni and Banana peppers is my favorite but for some reason no one sells that on a frozen pizza.
.-= Look at what Kevin wrote blog ..DADvocate – How important are children to a happy life? =-.
Pepperoni and Banana peppers are slowly becoming a favorite of mine.
I used to be the pizza maker at a brewpub in Cambridge. The restaurant used to serve a sandwich consisting of a whole portobello mushroom, topped with Gorgonzola cheese and roasted red bell peppers, served on a bun like a hamburger. This same thing, sans bun, was also served as an appetizer.
I turned this into a pizza to run as a special. I brushed the raw, stretched dough with herb-infused olive oil. No tomato sauce. Over the oil went a light sprinkling of the shredded mozzarella we used, which didn’t have much flavor in itself. Then over that, some crumbled Gorgonzola (not too much, this is some string cheese!), then sliced portobellos and roasted red peppers (canned or jarred is fine, roasting your own is kind of a pain).
It sold pretty well, and I still make this at home from time to time. I don’t really go for tons of meaty toppings on pizza, as Mike does, the portobellos have a nice meaty texture to them that even makes carnivores happy!
Oh…you have almost the exact same stove as I do. I didn’t think I was going to like it when the landlady had it put in here, but now I love it!
.-= Look at what Christine wrote blog ..The light at the end of the tunnel… =-.
Our stove was the only one what would fit the space. We have a tiny kitchen. Tiny! Your pizza sounds really good.
Thanks for mentioning my contest, looks like your family had a good night. May I make one request, the “Dragon” part of my name (dragonblogger) links to something called “PokenGirl” on your site, which makes it look connected in some way to my name. Is there any way to disable that?
.-= Look at what Dragon Blogger wrote blog ..The Worlds Data Archived on Tape Cartridge? =-.
Dragon Blogger,
When I first posted this the ninja affiliates was turned off, so weird that it kicked back on. All fixed now.
Although sometimes I just love something simple like pepperoni, I’ll go ahead and say that feta cheese is my current fave pizza topping.
.-= Look at what Aaron Hockley wrote blog ..Artists Gone Social: a Workshop on Social Media for Creatives =-.
Hi Aaron,
I have not tried feta on a pizza, I bet that flavor will be fantastic!
OMG that looks so yummy! argh i gotta have some now!
.-= Look at what Chamindu wrote blog ..Tell Me! =-.
Do you want to win some? So what would be your favorite topping? Also I use comment luv and that gives you a link to your blog, popping in random links is something that will get you marked as a spammer on my blog and many others.
Hey, loved your post about Tony’s pizza. Haha, that pic of your daughter eating the pizza is priceless. My daughter dives right into Tony’s as well. Thanks for the mention of the contest on your site.
Now, I’m off to have movie pizza night again. Best night of the week.
Hi Jon,
I enjoyed your post as well and love the name of your blog. I have some bacon related posts on here that you might enjoy including my ultimate bacon cookies. Also Bacon wrapped jalpenos, so tasty great for the big game.
Okay I know everything is better with Bacon, but I had never heard of Bacon wraped jalpenos. That sounds marvolus. How do you make them? Baked?
.-= Look at what Kevin wrote blog ..DADvocate – How important are children to a happy life? =-.
Sorry I didn’t follow up on this, Check out my post about Super Bowl Sunday, it will be up tomorrow at 10:00am, all the info on great snacks for the SB.
I want that pizza Christine described! If we buy frozen pizzas, we buy cheese and then doctor them up with sausage and onions, and peppers if we have some. As long as my pizza has onions on it, I’m happy.
Is the element in your oven really purple? Mine’s orange – now that it works again – but that’s another story.
.-= Look at what Anna wrote blog ..Good Food in Branson =-.
My dad always used the term “doctor up” and he does that with frozen pizza as well. I don’t have onions on the pizza that much anymore but that is a good topping. The element is orange but I was shooting tungsten mode which tends to work best in the house. Makes the element look purple.
Hey Drew-
Reading this entry on your blog makes me want pizza!
My favorite topping is pepperoni. I also love extra cheese pizza but didn’t really think extra cheese constituted as a topping.
Ah the food cravings… LOL. I’m totally into the pepperoni thing, my favorite ever and sure extra cheese works too.
I swear, that kid of yours just keeps getting cuter and cuter!
.-= Look at what Ashley K. Edwards wrote blog ..What Do You Want? =-.
Thanks Ashley, She certainly does. But I am biased, although that doesn’t make it untrue.
My FAVORITE topping is mushrooms! I also like anything else added to it like buffalo chicken or pepperoni anything added to the mushroom pizza is good to me. I bought a pizza stone the other day so I decided to make pizza on Sunday for the game and it was a disaster, It was fully cooked and I took it out cut it and tried to get it off the stone, well all I could get was the sauce and cheese and toppings I yelled to Tim I hope you dont like the crust because its still on the stone STUCk! I will stick to the premade frozen ones from now on.
Hey there Shelby,
Sorry your pizza making went so wrong. Did you rub the stone first with oil? Pizza stones usually need to be treated with oils the first time they are used. I remember the great mushroom pizzas of Charlie’s on the cape and poor people’s pub in NH. I do enjoy a good mushroom pizza from time to time as well.