Photo-A-Day #1764
This month Allison set up a monthly meal plan and through it we’ve decided that Friday will be Pizza Fridays. We will make our own pizzas each Friday. We might also have some fozen Pizza’s like Tony’s Pizza
Speaking of Tony’s Pizza I did say that I’d pick my 5 winners of Tony’s Pizza coupons. There were six people who responded correctly to the question (and a few that did not), “what is your favorite topping?”. One person was my youngest sister so I’ll buy her a Tony’s pizza and the rest of the people who entered correctly will each get a coupon. I’ll be contacting the winners via e-mail very soon to get your addresses. Thanks for entering.
After making pizza tonight and putting Eva to bed Allison and I finally played with her new Wii game. I got Allison Wii Resort Sports for her birthday. Today was the first time that we got a chance to play. What a fun game, we played wakebaording, jet skiing, basketball, cycling, archery and the swordplay one. The game can be played with up to 4 people and it looks like each of the games has different versions or levels to play. I’d certainly recommend this for a game night with friends.
I am Wii Sports Resort is just the first decent game supporting the Wii Motion Plus, otherwise it will be a waste because it has so much potential. Hopefully we will see a lot more games for it in a few months at E3 since so far support has been scarce.
.-= Look at what Sean wrote blog ..For the Jets, There’s Always Next Year =-.
I didn’t notice a big difference with the Wii Motion plus but I enjoyed the heck out of playing the game.
I love seeing kids getting involved in cooking. Obviously, Eva is still too little to be using the oven or stove yet, but she can have pride in putting together her own little pizza. I think that children are more likely to be open to trying new foods, if they get to play some part in the preparation. I hope she enjoyed eating her little pizza!
.-= Look at what Christine wrote blog ..The maul is a truly evil place =-.
Each time we do this we see Eva try something new. This time she wanted to touch the dough and stretch it herself. I love how curious she is about the whole process.
Had a fantantasic cook along night with my son – we watched Gorden Ramsey(i belive it aired earlier in US) and he managed to copy/create the prawn/shrip chilli pasta. Fantastic night great food and excellent quality time – will make this a regular thing!
That is fantastic. Having a night like that with your son if fun. I get the food tasted even better since you prepared it together.
Kids love helping in the kitchen and Eva making her own pizza will build her confidence on what she can accomplish and make her food taste better to her. It’s so much fun watching them grow with projects like this. We too love the Wii!
.-= Look at what Deborah wrote blog ..Welcome to FeedBurner =-.
We are trying to instill a love of cooking and food in Eva. I love that she is excited about pizza night. It is one of my favorite nights of the whole week.
That is so adorable
Kids who cook are a lot more likely to eat it too. Awesome on the monthly meal planning. I need to do that, would save so much angst & throwing together of last minute meals.
.-= Look at what Shannon wrote blog ..Andy Jenkin’s Video Boss Freebies =-.
Thanks Shannon,
Meal planning has been going really well for us and Pizza Fridays works out great. Eva does tend to eat her dinner better after having made it.