Photo-A-Day #3971
I opened my latest Loot Crate today, the February 2016 Loot Crate: Dead. I receive the newest Loot Crate every month to unbox and review. It is something that I have been doing ever since the very first one years ago. Ever since I’ve received some incredible stuff from the Loot Crate company. This month even though I only had use for half the box I still received some great stuff. You’ll notice that I pretty much only photographed the Deadpool stuff and the monthly magazine and the Loot Pin. That was all that was of use to me. Since the theme was Dead this meant that it would include some Walking Dead stuff in the crate. I’m not a fan. And because this month was the month that Deadpool was being released then the other half of the box would have Deadpool related stuff in it. I am a fan. I love the shirt and the special statue. I was even lucky enough to receive the more rare X-Force suit for Deadpool. This is a white suit instead of his usual red one. They must have a really good dry cleaner on X-Force.
As far as the Walking Dead Stuff I have a friend who loves the show and he’d enjoy the Walking Dead stuff inside. I’m not one for zombies, they hold no interest for me. At least I have a friend who will get some use out of the stuff and this month’s box as well. That is Walking Dead related, too.
I am also a very big fan of the new way that Loot Crate does pins. These are now die cast pins instead of buttons and they unlock some additional special items online. Some really excellent additions to an already great crate of loot.