Photo-A-Day #3963
When the lights went out at home today I was in the basement searching for a Transformer to unbox. Then they came back on quickly and back off again. So we went early to the Spaghetti Supper fundraiser for Triboro Youth Theater. It was a bit sparse as far as people there but we had a great time. The kids were very well behaved even when I told them to take one dessert.
As far as today’s Transformer I was excited to find this other Sergeant Kup. The cool thing is that this was a Generations Kup instead of the Transformers Prime Sergeant Kup that I reviewed earlier this year. This one looks like Kup from 1986’s Transformers The Movie. The transformation is pretty simple and when all is said and done he is tall, looks cool in both vehicle and robot mode. Here is my full video below.