Photo-A-Day #4509
We received a package of new Voltron Metal Defender series toys from Playmates Toys to play with and review. These are my opinions alone.
I have to admit, I was walking the aisle of Target and saw that there were these new Metal Defender Voltron lions out for sale. These were diecast metal lions that combine to for Voltron. I saw that there was a set with all five of the lions together and so I asked my contact at Playmates Toys if I could get one to review. I did not get that one, instead I got a box that had all five individual lions in separate boxes. This was perfect! I was super excited wen I got home and they were there. These were the Voltron Toys I’d been waiting to see made. These lions work together to form an 8 inch Voltron. You can see how they all go together in my video below and then I have some photos of each lion and Voltron below.

Voltron Fully Assembled. Once the lions are all put together the Voltron robot looks amazing!
The Black Lion is my favorite of all the lions. I like this lion the most because the paladin for the lion was Shiro. Then at the end of season 2 of Voltron Legendary Defender Shiro disappeared. Season 3 has been all about finding a new paladin for the Black Lion. Now the Black Lion and leader of Voltron is Keith. He’s learning how to become that leader for everyone on the team.
The Red Lion had been piloted by Keith through seasons 1 and 2 but now that he is the Black Lion paladin someone else had to step up and be the Red Lion paladin. Lance became the paladin of the Red Lion and he has even stepped up to become more and more mature. He’s still goofy but he’s becoming a better paladin.
The Blue Lion had been Lance’s lion but he had to become the paladin of the Red Lion and become the right hand man to Keith. Allura stepped in to become the Blue Lion’s paladin. Her bonding with the Blue Lion was a great part of season 3.
The Green Lion remains piloted by Pidge. She is still the brains of the group and is having a hard time with the impulsiveness of Keith.
Right behind the Black Lion my favorite lion is the Yellow Lion. I love Hunk, he’s hilarious. He’s also the heart of Voltron and his lion is the strongest lion behind the Black Lion. While he is the second of my favorites, he could easily move to first.
These toys are fantastic and I love them. I’ll be displaying Voltron alongside some of my other favorite robots.