Zombie Red Light Green Light

Zombie Red Light Green Light
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01026

Tonight was Parent’s Night Out at America’s Best Defense. We try and get Andy to these as often as they come up. Tonight’s theme was a zombie one and when I came to pick up Andy he was playing Red Light – Green Light to the tune of “Thriller” and all the kids were moving as if they were zombies.

While Andy was at Parent’s Night Out I was at my first Boot Camp for Black Belt Testing. This will go on for the next couple of months. I was quite anxious to attend because I did not know what to expect. The first session was good. Unfortunately the guy that I had partnered with last week at the assessment ended up no longer part of the program. When I came in he was retesting his physical requirements and when all the other people who retested came back, he did not. He’s a good partner. I occasionally work with him on Saturday morning classes.

So, I got a different partner. She is really working hard and helping me out.

Boot Camp was tough. We worked so many of the defenses and strike set 3. It was tiring but not overwhelming. I’m sure it will become more difficult as time goes on. But, in order to achive this goal I’ve got to put in the work.