Trunk or Treat Ready

Trunk or Treat ready
Photo-A-Day 2.0 #01027

Allison took the kids to Trunk or Treat tonight for the school. Eva has been working really hard on her costume. she is Nico di Angelo from the Percy Jackson series. She is also “in character” and is rather excited to wear this costume. Her character is broody. Her costume also includes a sword that she has been working on. Today she took the Dremel to it. she spent much of the time teaching herself how to use the Dremel but that was time well spent. She’ll have the sword completed by next weekend but the experience and knowledge of using the tool will stay with her for a long time.

Allison made Andy’s costume. He is an axolotl. He loves the creatures and was so excited to have this costume. The gills are on the top of his head and he got these giant googly eyes for the costume, too. We had to special order the pink sweat suit. It looks great but it definitely makes me think of Ralphie from “A Christmas Story”.

The kids and Allison just got home and they had a great time at Trunk or Treat. They even brought me a mess of candy.

I took some individaul photos of them, too.

nico di angelo

Eva’s Nico di angelo cosplay. She did all her own makeup and even made a very subtle scar on her eyebrow that looks so real. Great job!


Andy is simply playful and fun. Loves to entertain. He has a joyfulness about him and this is the perfect costume.