Alleluia Little Town

Little Christmas Town
Photo-A-Day #2088

Our morning started with Church and Eva was in rare form. She wanted to sing today. So she sang Alleluia… loudly. We are so lucky to be in the Church that we are in because Fr. Dave completely rolled with it. He said that the choir might have a new member but she only knew Alleluia so far. Eva wasn’t to be upstaged or limited because she then sang Hosanna later. She was cracking up everyone around us and since it was Church it was even harder not to laugh. She turned to me and said, “When I sing Hosanna you are supposed to laugh”. So hard not to laugh. An older woman behind me grabbed my shoulders and shook me as she laughing and told me that I need to get Eva on TV. Oh boy, we are in trouble.

Continue reading Alleluia Little Town

Hey There, Santa!

Hey there Santa
Photo-A-Day #2087

Today was a fantastic Christmas. Eva was up at 6:20am and ready to go. She came into our bedroom and wanted to know if Santa had come and left the presents. She was so excited. We went to the dining room and there Eva found a half eaten cookie and some broken carrots plus a handwritten note to Eva from Santa. She was so excited that Santa mentioned Fitzy (her Elf on the Shelf), plus the spicy cookies. She was so very excited. Continue reading Hey There, Santa!