Book Review: Frozen Novel

Frozen Novel

Eva has been becoming an increasingly better and more independent reader. We received a copy of the Frozen novelization and she read the entire thing herself. She loved reading this book and was so proud of herself for completing the book all on her own. The book is 128 pages and is recommended for an age range of 8 – 12 years old. Eva is 6 1/2.

Frozen has become Eva’s most favorite Disney movie. Having watched the movie so many times already either on her own or with the family she knows the story inside and out. However, reading the novel was a whole new experience for her that brought her even more enjoyment the next time that she watched the movie.

The book was very well done and it even included eight pages of full-color scenes from the movie! Because it is a novel there is even more detail and insight into each character from the film.

Happy Mother’s Day 2014

Photo-A-Day #3320

I want to wish all those Moms out there a Happy Mother’s Day.

We had a nice morning with Church first. Although before that Eva snuck downstairs and colored a picture on the door for Allison. Then I met everyone at Church where Father Dave asked Eva and two of her classmates if they would read a poem for the congregation after the Mass. She did a fantastic job. She spoke really well and was the only kid that you could hear. That could be because she is more confident in front of everyone and she is taller than her two classmates so she was right at the microphone.

After Mass we came home where we gave Allison the cards and gifts that we had made for her. I took some Color Wonder Paper and coated Andrew’s hand with layers of color wonder paint to make a little hand print card. We also gave Allison her Crayola Meltdown that Eva and I made. Allison decided on the metallic one. Eva also made a wonderful drawing with pastels.

I went to bed but Allison and the kids went for a hike and picnic over at World War I Memorial Park. The kids must have been very worn out because Andrew nearly feel asleep while eating dinner.