International Fairy Day – Celebrate it with Playmobil

Playmobil Fairies and Unicorns Set

As a Dad who is raising a little girl I am well versed in the world of Fairies. We’ve seen every Tinker Bell movie and now Eva is reading a series of books on fairies. Plus, one of her treasured gifts from Christmas was a large hardcover book on fairies that lets you figure out what your fairy name should be. She gives everyone the test and my name is Holly Iceweb.

Back around Easter we did a fun Photo Shoot with some Playmobil fairy sets. These sets certainly sparked Eva’s imagination to create her own adventures with fairies. Playmobil has created a bunch more fairy themed sets and they are all nice. What better way to celebrate International Fairy Day than to pick up a couple of these Playmobil sets so they can create their own adventures. Here are just some of the great sets that are available. Continue reading International Fairy Day – Celebrate it with Playmobil

Monster Appetite

Photo-A-Day #3363

This afternoon Eva, Andrew and I opened up a big LEGO set to build. It is a Dinosaur capture facility and has a ton of pieces. I had Eva start off with a couple of sets that she did herself. I built another part of the set with the help of Andrew. For a good 20 minutes or so he helped me so well. I showed him the piece that I wanted and he found them right away. But, when he became disinterested he was really disinterested. It was nice to play with him. When we built the T-Rex Andrew used it to feed himself some animal Crackers. That kid is a riot.