Don’t Spoil The Force Awakens

Photo-A-Day #3901
Spoiler Free Star Wars

Today I was able to go and see the new Star Wars movie. I can’t say anything more about it at this point but after 3:01am I’ll be posting up my SPOILER FREE Review. So, this morning I was supposed to go and drop Andrew at school and head to the movie location. However, close to when it was time to leave for school I got a call from Andrew’s teacher. No school today, the school has no power, no backup power, nothing. So then it was scramble time to figure out what to do with Andrew. I contacted my Dad (he was to pick up Andrew after school and keep him for the afternoon) and also Allison since I couldn’t get in touch with Dad.

Goofing with Lightsabers

Eventually, I ended up having to bring Andrew over to Allison so that dad could pick him up from there. Luckily, the school was flexible with Andrew being there and he was on his best behavior and didn’t disrupt anything too much.

After dropping Andrew off I headed to the highway. Saw that it was bumper to bumper, I was already a 1/2 hour behind, so I tried an alternate route. I ran into a bunch of traffic and worked myself into a huge anger/panic. I did get to the city with about 15 minutes to go and parked in the first garage I could find then went up and up and up to find a small spot to wedge in my car. Then I hustled down, down and down to street level. I took off running to the theater only to get there and try every door to see that they were locked. Expletive! Luckily, that didn’t mean that I was going to have to sit out the movie. Someone inside opened it up and let us know that if there is ever another screening in the morning they have the side door open. Good to know.

I headed upstairs to take my seat. The rest however, you are going to have to wait until 3:01am to read.