Christmas Choir Concert 2015

Photo-A-Day #3907
Christmas Choir Concert 2015

Eva had her Christmas Choir Concert tonight. I picked Andrew up from school today and then we headed over to catch up with Allison and Eva. We had some time in between the concert and the end of school so we went over to Box Seats for dinner. The kids did a great job coloring while we waited for our meal. Eva is getting great at shading and blending colors. Andrew is also doing well with his coloring, too. We had a nice meal and then headed back over to my parent’s house to get ready for the concert.

We attended the concert with my parents and my Uncle Jim. Next year we will have to get there super early so that I can get a good seat to record the nativity play. Eva will be in 3rd grade and therefore part of the play. But, this year she was part of the Christmas Choir and she did very well. She’s been singing the songs all week long. The concert was a very nice one and we loved the song at the end.

My #ChooseLightSide Recap

My last #ChooseLightSide shipment

For the better part of the year I’ve had my mind on Star Wars and specifically Star Wars Toys. I received a very cool countdown calendar for the release of the Star Wars toys for Force Friday on September 4th. The calendar was 123 days of photos from past Hasbro and Kenner toys. I thought that was a cool thing and loved sharing the photos with everyone. Then about a month or so later I received a tube in the mail with a couple of posters. One said #ChooseLightSide and the other #ChooseDarkSide. I had to make my choice and I did. I choose the Light Side. After making my choice I had received three shipments of Hasbro Star Wars toys. Here are a few images of those sets of toys that I received as well as a combination of toys from the #ChooseLightSide program and also the #PlayLikeHasbro program. So many great Star Wars toys have come into our house this year and we are very excited about that. Continue reading My #ChooseLightSide Recap