Fancy Barbie Fashion

Photo-A-Day #3913
Eva's new Barbie with Hair Coloring

Some of Eva’s favorite toys from Christmas were some new Barbie dolls. She likes fashion and creating new looks for her dolls. The two new Barbies that she received were a hair color Barbie and a glitter hair Barbie. She actually received two glitter hair Barbies. We will be returning one and she’ll probably pick up another new Barbie once we have some time. Eva wanted to show off her new design for Barbie’s hair and she was very proud of what she made. She does use her imagination as often as possible with her dolls.

I’m looking forward to what Eva creates with her new fashion toys. She also received a big bag of scrap material from Auntie Tara. She’ll have plenty of material to make some new clothes for her dolls.