I’m doing a bit of double duty on this post. As both a member of the Care Bears Share Your Care Ambassadors and the Netflix Stream Team I want to tell you about some great New Year’s Eve countdowns that you can watch ANYTIME. So, if you have some really little ones line my son Andrew then you can watch the Care Bears & Cousins countdown around 8pm. Or for Eva we can let her have her own New Year’s Eve Countdown at 9pm with Project Mc2. We’ll probably watch all six of the countdowns because we watch pretty much all of the Netflix shows in this house.
Each year we do an appetizer meal for our New Year’s Eve dinner with the kids. I get all sorts of great appetizers and we watch a movie and have a great time. This year Netflix not only provided some great countdowns to everyone who has Netflix but they even sent us a special New Year’s Eve kit and we’ll be posting images from our New Year’s Eve celebration.
The one thing that I’d like though is some special countdowns for us parents from the Netflix original shows like Longmire, Jessica Jones, Daredevil, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Orange is the New Black and so many more. Maybe even one from the upcoming new show Fuller House. That would be great, because us parents sometimes want to celebrate the New Year nice and early so that we can get to sleep, too. Continue reading Kids Get Their Own New Year’s Eve Countdowns with Netflix