Can you Feel the Force in this New Rogue One Trailer?

The Rogue One Poster

As if the release of the Rogue One: A STAR WARS Story poster wasn’t enough for fans, the brand new trailer was launched today and with it the feels of The Force. I’ve watched the trailer quite a few times and as the rebels come together and give hope to the rebellion I want to cheer. Seeing Jyn and Baze and Saw and Chirrut rally around their mission is very empowering. I fear that they will not live to see another movie because we know what their mission is and while it is ultimately successful, I’m not spoiling anything here if you have ever watched a STAR WARS movie, you know the plans for the Death Star are secured by these rebels. Here is the official description of the movie.

From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY, an all-new epic adventure. In a time of conflict, a group of unlikely heroes band together on a mission to steal the plans to the Death Star, the Empire’s ultimate weapon of destruction. This key event in the Star Wars timeline brings together ordinary people who choose to do extraordinary things, and in doing so, become part of something greater than themselves.

I still fear for them and their survival. You can see the trailer for yourself here.

Continue reading Can you Feel the Force in this New Rogue One Trailer?

Enjoying Skylanders Imaginators and the Creator App

Dr Krankcase
Photo-A-Day #4202

I’ve been working very hard on videos for the new Skylanders Imaginators game. Yesterday I received a giant box of Skylanders Imaginators from Activision to review. I’ve been playing the game today and learning all sorts of interesting information. I recorded a bunch of great gameplay video today which I will work up tomorrow. I chose a couple of Skylanders Senseis to unbox as well as a couple of Creation Crystals. I learned something very interesting about the Creation Crystals. Once you set the battle class of the Skylander Imaginator it is permanent. So, I’ll be using the little stickers to set the proper battle class. I wasn’t going to but now I’ve learned about that permanent feature. What I am doing is making sure that each element has all different battle classes. I’m using the poster to make sure I do that.

While I’ve been playing the Skylanders Imaginators game, Andrew and Eva have been playing the Creator App. We thought that we’d be able to transfer the characters from the app to the game but it is actually the other way around. The transfer is interesting, it is done by sound. I wonder if it is possible to record the sound of one of my creations to make it available for anyone to transfer to their own app. I will have to record a video series of my Skylanders creations so that people can download them to their apps. That would be fun. So here is today’s video and after that is a video on how to use the Skylanders Creator app.

Continue reading Enjoying Skylanders Imaginators and the Creator App